the Cold Software Project

Genesis Development Group

Genesis is developed openly. The source is maintained in a CVS repository, which will soon be available publicly (read-only access). Developers are divided into two groups. The inner group has full administrative access to ice and the repository, and are responsible for the general direction and maintenance of Genesis development--including regular releases. The outer group has write access to the CVS repository, and is the group containing the most members.

Membership into the outer group is available by merit. If you desire membership, simply contact one (or more) of the inner group members and provide the following information:

Pending general consensus of all inner group members, you should be given developer membership into the outer group. However, there are some policies which should be followed as a developer (primarily for code-base safety and cleanliness). These will be outlined in further detail later, but first:

Last Modified on 25-Aug-2005, Copyright © 1995-2015 by Brandon Gillespie, for the Cold Project