the Cold Software Project

Getting and Installing ColdCore

ColdCore is available at the Cold Project's Archive Site ( To run ColdCore you will need Genesis. Instructions for Getting and Installing Genesis are available.

In Unix

The latest version is always:

This is a gzipped unix-tar file. It is opened by executing the unix command (after you download it):

gzip -dc ColdCore.tar.gz | tar -xf -

This will create a directory with the latest ColdCore database, most likely named ColdCore-X.X with the appropriate version in place of X.X. Make sure you have Genesis. When you compile Genesis the genesis and coldcc programs will be created. Move these into the ColdCore-X.X directory. Then change your current directory to the ColdCore directory (cd ColdCore-X.X) and type:


This will generate an initial textdump and compile it to a binary database. You will need to setup the base directories genesis prefers (see Genesis Documentation for details). To do this type:

mkdir logs
mkdir root
mkdir dbbin
After this point you start ColdCore by typing:

This will create a daemon process in the background. From this point you can connect through the login port at port 1138, or on the web at port 1180. Further information on managing the database can be found in the New Admin Guide.

In Win32

Win32 documentation is pending completion.

Last Modified on 25-Aug-2005, Copyright © 1995-2015 by Brandon Gillespie, for the Cold Project